Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Quarter or a Nickel?

Hmmm... this weekend was long and I was trying to catch up on all them reading logs, but for some reason I have the hardest time with the second question---Irony and underlying messages- this goes for all acts. I'll tell you want I think for the acts but maybe you, my fellow, hardworking classmates, can leave your comments and suggestions regarding the irony/underlying messages in the acts!? Thanks!
Okay-Act one: Here is what I thought regarding irony, etc: pg 230 when Tesman is completely oblivious to Miss Tesman when she suggests use of the extra room and then the idea that Hedda is filled out implying pregancy or babies will be coming soon. Also it was the whole affair is initially brought up regarding Mrs. Elvsted and Lovborg and the implication that Hedda is involved too because of the pistols (which I've mentioned in a previous blog)
Act two: the whole threesome, triangle, train thing was a big underlying message. Mostly about unstatisfyed desires and all that jazz.. but also the transfer of power between Brack and Hedda. On pg 257 when Hedda mentions boring herself to death and than points to george (ouch). thirdly when Lovborg mentions his second book on page 260 he also mentions the future and how to make a new civilization and the means to get there so I thought of Hedda and her desires and thought it was some underlying message regarding Hedda.
I know there is more in these two acts so let me know what you think?
I'll post again, later, about the underlying messages in the other acts...

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